Documents on the ATLAS MDT Readout

This is a mini-archive of documents collected from various places on the web which describe various aspects of the MDT system organization and readout. This is by no means a complete list.

Click on the "source" name for a link back to the page containing the original document to check for the latest version.
Author  Source  Date/ver  Title  PS  Other 
A.C.Konig  Nijmegen  27 Aug 96 v0.1  "The Optimization of the Tower Structured Read Out of the MDT Barrel"  240K 
Henk Groenstege  NIKHEF  6 Oct 96  "A System for Phase Calibration of the Monitored Drift Tube Electronics"  PS 1.4MB 
Yasuo Arai, Jorgen Christiansen  KEK  97.5.13, V1.0  "Requirements and Specifications of the TDC for the ATLAS Precision Muon Tracker" (MUON-NO-179)  PS.gz (1MB)  PDF (151K) 
H. Groenstege+  NIKHEF  30 Jun 1997 v1.2  "NIMROD, the ROD for the Monitored Drift Tubes in ATLAS"  PS 1.2MB 
PDF 350k
E. Hazen+  Boston U  10 Oct 96  "An Integrated Multi-Channel Readout for ATLAS Monitored Drift Tubes"  288K  HTML 
J.Huth+  Boston U  22 Jan 98  "ATLAS MDT Front End Chip DRAFT Specification"  (Various) 
E. Hazen et al Boston U. 8 Oct 2003
LECC2003 (Amsterdam)
Production Testing of ATLAS MDT Front-End Electronics (talk) A3.1-Hazen.pdf A3.1-Hazen.ppt
E. Hazen et al Boston U. 8 Oct 2003
LECC2003 (Amsterdam)
Production Testing of ATLAS MDT Front-End Electronics (paper) hazen-draft.pdf hazen-draft.doc

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